Drop One:

The Big Crabowski

First test of the whole concept.

The hour-long soak will be cut into digestible chunks as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on and posted in order below. At the end I’ll upload the whole thing as one video for folks who aren’t into that whole brevity thing or who want to freak out their neighbors by projecting the full feature-length crabtacular on the side of their house.

You want a claw? Hell, I’ll get you a claw by 3 o’clock this afternoon.

The Crab abides.

Drop 1 Part 1: Hey! Careful, man. There’s a beverage here!

Drop 1 Part 2: This aggression will not stand!

Drop 1 Part 3: You’re out of your element, Donny!